Alyona is a student of the earth, walking with Great Spirit. Every day unlearning and remembering a little more, her souls purpose here on our blue planet. Her breath, the elements, plants and the natural flow are her greatest teachers. In human form, she is very grateful and lucky to have an elder, Maestro Manuel,
who has been guiding her for the past 12 years. She has traveled the world with him and indigenous leaders studying plants and traditional healing while cultivating communities. Through service she has received and continues to receive much healing and joy. Most recently she was lucky to spend 4 months studying and traveling with the Huni Kuin. Alyona was passed the intertribal alter and is grateful to share bringing healing, joy and empowerment through the work.
Simultaneously, she has been a dedicated student of yoga for 20 years. She teaches groups, virtual programs, private lessons and retreats that inspire, connection, consciousness, and bliss. While studying at the Golden Drum, Alyona was part of world wide sound healing ensemble, Dream Seed, where she was lucky to learn sound healing. It is a joy for her to incorporate all into the works for peace.
Alyona works to support indigenous communities by contributing content to our beloved festival
Heart & Mind as well as working closely with grant givers and the villages to empower their projects that strengthen the culture. As a hobby, Alyona loves photography, which she studied traiditonally at NYU. It brings her much joy to take portraits of friends and indigenous leaders. She is slowly working on a book. In her private life, she is happily engaged to beloved, Lazo.